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- NSAI Livelink
NSAI uses the knowledge management system, Livelink, to share information and intelligence reports on a worldwide basis. This powerful cloud application has been developed by the OpenText Corporation of Canada. The web-based collaboration tool has helped transform NSAI into an electronically hyperlinked enterprise, more than capable of meeting the challenges of the global age.
What Does Livelink Do?
With Livelink, NSAI can store, manage, share and distribute information with maximum efficiency in a secure cloud based environment. The application has revolutionized document management within the organization. It allows our staff to exchange documents and to work together on projects irrespective of geographical location.
NSAI Standards has arranged to extend the benefits of Livelink to the many hundreds of experts participating in NSAI's network of Consultative Committees.In recent years Livelink has been customised to provide a highly intuitive tool for standards development committees and is the preferred solution for many national standards bodies across the globe.
Livelink is also used by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) to improve the efficiency and speed of international and European standardization. A highly consistent approach to the NSAI Standards implementation of Livelink means that NSAI experts can work with confidence within the corresponding ISO and CEN Livelink environments.
How Does Livelink Work?
The Livelink system is 100 per cent web-based. Its power can be harnessed via all the familiar web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Opera.
Livelink requires Java, which is pre-installed on many computers and can be downloaded free. No other software is necessary.
Livelink and Standards eCommittees
If you are participating in an NSAI Standards Consultative Committee familiarity with Livelink is an essential prerequisite. The committee Secretary will arrange for you to be provided with a Livelink username/password which will provide you with access to your committee collaborative environment.
When logging on to National E-Committes your username (email address) must be entered in lower case.
The latest NSAI Livelink eCommittees platforms is highly intuitive and the fundamentals of Livelink can be mastered in a few minutes. Your committee Secretary can provide more information on how Livelink is being deployed to facilitate the work of the committee and should be your first contact in the unlikely event of any difficulties arising.
A comprehensive User Guide to National eCommittees prepared by ISO is available.
The NSAI Livelink Helpdesk may be contacted at livelinkhelp@nsai.ie