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Click here to purchase I.S. 10101:2020+AC1:2020

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: An amendment to the standard I.S. 10101:2020+AC1:2020 will be published, as a consolidated standard, the week of 23rd September 2024
When published NSAI will make the online version available to purchase and hardcopies will be posted to customers after the 21st October 2024. 
NSAI will share further details at the time of purchase of the consolidated standard.

NOTE: Customers that purchase this standard BEFORE the 23rd September 2024 will be purchasing the current version I.S. 10101:2020+AC1:2020.

Ireland’s National Rules for Electrical Installations are published by the NSAI.  The 2020 version of the document was the first major revision to the standard in over 10 years and is based on internationally agreed standards for safety of electrical installations.

The standard, I.S. 10101:2020 was produced by industry experts who sit on the NSAI’s Electro Technical Committee (ETC/TC 2) “Electrical Installations”.  The standard includes requirements for design and installation of all types of installations including  housing, hospitals, agricultural buildings, caravans, construction sites, industrial premises and swimming pools. 

The National Rules for Electrical Installations are essential for electricians, inspectors and regulators as they specify the safety requirements for electrical installations in all types of premises in Ireland.  The revisions bring requirements in line with recent technical developments and best practice in Europe, including new technologies such as electric cars, adaptation for IT connections , and guidance on energy efficiencies.  

Safe Electric have developed a series of short informative videos to help industry learn more about the changes in the National Wiring Rules for Electrical Installations I.S. 10101:2020. Click the link to watch these short information videos.


View our I.S. 10101 webinar here

Frequently Asked Questions

I.S. 10101 was published by NSAI on Friday 6th March 2020.

I.S. 10101 can be purchased through

The standard sales team can be contacted by telephone 018576730 or by email

Hard copy costs €120 (excl. p&p).

Purchase I.S. 10101 online or contact the sales team on / 018576730.

As part of the hardcopy purchase you also get access to an online (read only) version.  You will receive an email that gives instruction on how to access the online version.

Read only versions are also available as part of an i2i subscription collection.

i2i is a powerful Standards Management platform allowing organisations to store and retrieve business critical content, keep up to date with changes, manage projects and comply with copyright.

i2i provides anytime, anywhere document management. Content centralisation, workflow optimisation and virtual collaboration help organisations control cost and access to current, licensed content.

Contact Sean Torpey for furher information on i2i subscription.

There  is no VAT on hard copies sales.
VAT is added on digital (PDFs) sales.

Customers must supply their vat number at registration, otherwise it affects whether they are charged vat or not.

VAT is only applicable to certain products, for example books don’t have VAT, but pdfs of the same document would.

VAT is charged at the rate of the country NSAI are selling to.

VAT follows the destination of the goods.

NSAI provide a discount to colleges on the hardcopy version of I.S. 10101.

The college discount only applies to hardcopy bulk orders made by an Irish college, university or ETB through NSAI Standard Sales. Bulk purchases are identified as 10 or more hardcopies of I.S. 10101.

The college discount price of I.S. 10101 is currently €60, excluding postage/delivery. It includes the hardcopy and readonly online version of I.S. 10101.

Sales Process Steps | Option 1

1.    The college, university or ETB requests a quotation from the NSAI Sales team for 10 or more hardcopies of I.S. 10101.

2.    The NSAI Sales team provide a quotation based on the college discount including the delivery cost and details that should be on the Purchase Order (PO) i.e. identifying the supplier as SAI Global.

3.    The college, university or ETB submit a Purchase Order (PO) to NSAI Sales and this is processed.

4.    The colleage provide email addresses for the students and the readonly online access is processed after purchase.

5.    The order is completed, and the bulk order delivered by courier to one address.

6.    The college, university or ETB is invoiced by SAI Global.

Sales Process Steps | Option 1

1.    The college, university or ETB contacts the NSAI Sales team to request a discount code for a specific number of students.

2.    The NSAI Sales team provide a discount code to the education contact. The discount provides 50% of the price on the webstore. The discount code is unique, for a specific number of uses and is time dependent.

3.    The student purchases the standard on the NSAI webstore using the unique discount code. The standard is posted to the student and the readonly online access is provided.


  • SAI Global are the official distributors of NSAI Standards
  • NSAI Standard Sales contact details: 
  • Tel         (01) 857 6730

I.S. 10101 specifies the requirements for the design, erection, and verification of low-voltage electrical installations. 
It covers such installations as:
a)    residential premises;
b)    commercial premises;
c)    public premises;
d)    industrial premises; as well as other types of installations.

For a complete picture of what is covered in the rules a preview option will be available when published on  The preview will provide free access of the standard up to and including the main scope.

As the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) is responsible for transition arrangments full details are available from

If you are a Registered Electric Contractor please go to  

You can submit questions to 

Please note that  technical questions will be directed to NSAIs technical experts and NSAI will respond when it receives advice from them.

  • In case your question should be directed to Safe Electric, please indicate in your email that you agree to NSAI forwarding it on to Safe Electric.
  • It is expected that users of the standard are sufficiently competent to interpret and apply the standard. 
  • NSAI will not deal with questions  concerning
    • operational or contractual matters.
    • the design of Switchgear assemblies, - [this is dealt with by NSAI ETC TC 04]
    • specific construction details and/or availability of cables in the market 
    • installations outside the scope of I.S. 10101
  • Where a contractor’s query relates to a construction details on a project designed by a consulting engineer the contractor should seek clarification from the consultant directly.
  • Responses to questions will be based on the requirements of I.S. 10101. 
  • If the question identifies a problem/deficiency with the standard, the committee may consider the issuing of a correction or an amendment.
  • If, in the opinion of the NSAI’s technical experts, the question is clearly covered in the standard, the response will simply direct the sender to the relevant clause number or chapter of the standard.

Safe Electric will be organising technical seminars. Details are available at

Those using the standard are required to be competent in its application.  There is no mandatory requirement for upgrade training.

Details on Safe Electric Training Centres  that provide accredited Verification & Certification courses.

I.S. 10101:2020 was developed within the NSAI Electrotechnical Technical Committee ETC/TC 2.  Experts for industry and regulators sit on this committee to put together a consolidated version of standards from the international Committees IEC/TC 64 and CENELC/ TC 64 together with relevant Irish content.

ETC/TC 2 is charged with maintaining this document and keeping it aligned with best international practice.