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- Electrotechnical Standards
NSAI Electrotechnical Standards Programme
The NSAI Electrotechnical Standard Programme covers all areas of electro-technology including power generation (including all renewable energy sources), transmission, distribution, smart grids, batteries, home appliances, office and medical equipment, public and private transportation, semiconductors, fibre optics, nanotechnology, multimedia, information technology, and more. It also addresses safety, electromagnetic compatibility, performance and environmental issues.
NSAI Standards is the Irish member organization of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) and the standards output of these bodies provides the primary source for Irish Standards in the electrical area.
- What to get involved? READ MORE
- Read the most recent Electrotechnical Committee Annual Reports
NSAI Electro Technical Committee (ETC)
To deliver the technical standardization work, NSAI maintains a network of Technical Committees (TC) covering many areas of electro-technology. These committees generally mirror one or more IEC and CENELEC committee. NSAI technical committee members contribute their knowledge and expertise on a voluntary basis and join their European and International counterparts in developing a worldwide system of standards. NSAI staff members provide the Secretariat for NSAI ETC Technical Committees.
Since 2017, NSAI has assumed direct responsibility for the maintenance of the national system of electrical installation standards.
The electrotechnical work is focused primarily in NSAI ETC TC 2, ETC TC 3, ETC TC 6, and ETC TC 10.
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)![](https://www.nsai.ie/images/uploads/standards/IEC_logo_®_250x250px.jpg)
The IEC National Committee of Ireland is the sole official representative to the IEC and serves as the focal point for all companies and organizations in Ireland who are interested in the development and use of globally relevant Standards for electrical and electronic devices and systems and corresponding testing and certification, so called conformity assessment.
As such the IEC National Committee represents all of the country’s needs in electrotechnology in the IEC and defends IEC interests in Ireland. Its aim is to encourage the effective participation of all relevant national organizations, including industry, government, research facilities and academia in the development of IEC International Standards to facilitate global trade, as well as quality and risk management for the benefit of Ireland. The IEC National Committee of Ireland also provides the framework to national industry, regulators and other institutions to advocate for Ireland interests in international standard setting in electrotechnology, conformity assessment and related matters.
Global IEC work underpins international trade in electrical and electronic goods, technical innovation, affordable infrastructure development, efficient and sustainable energy access, and the safety and security of people, systems, data, and the environment.
Technologies covered by the IEC include: power generation (including all renewable energy sources), transmission, distribution, home appliances, office and medical equipment, all public and private transportation, sensors, fibre optics, nanotechnology, information technology, and much more. IEC work is foundational for Smart Cities, energy efficiency, cyber security, universal electricity access, and to reach 12 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Further information is available on the IEC website
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)
CENELEC is a European Standards Organization responsible for standardization in the electro-technical engineering field. CENELEC prepares voluntary standards, mainly European Standards (EN), which help facilitate trade between countries, create new markets, cut compliance costs and support the development of a Single European Market.
CENELEC creates market access at European level but also at international level, adopting International Standards wherever possible, through its close collaboration with the IEC under the Frankfurt Agreement.
The CENELEC Internal Regulations require that CENELEC European Standards are implemented at national level by being given the status of a national standard and by withdrawal of any conflicting national standard. The fact that European Standards must be transposed into a national standard in all member countries guarantees that a manufacturer has easier access to the market of all these European countries when applying European Standards. This applies whether the manufacturer is based in the CENELEC territory or not.
NSAI Electro Technical Committee (ETC)
In order to advise NSAI on technical and policy matters concerning Ireland’s membership of the IEC and CENELEC, the formulation of Irish Standards and the establishment and maintenance of the infrastructure of NSAI national mirror Technical Committees, NSAI has established a consultative Electro Technical Committee (ETC). The membership of the committee is composed of key stakeholders/collective bodies that provide an authoritative and representative voice or policy role in the electrical sector.
NSAI ETC Technical Committees (TC)
To deliver the technical standardization work, NSAI maintains a network of Technical Committees (TC) covering many areas of electro-technology. These committees generally mirror one or more IEC and CENELEC committee. NSAI technical committee members contribute their knowledge and expertise on a voluntary basis and join their European and International counterparts in developing a worldwide system of standards. NSAI staff members provide the Secretariat for many NSAI ETC Technical Committees.
Since 2017, NSAI has assumed direct responsibility for the maintenance and development of the national system of electrical installation standards. This work is focused primarily in NSAI ETC TC2, where the revision of ETCI Publication ET101:2008 was carried out. The new version of the “National Rules for Electrical Installations” I.S. 10101 was published on the 6th of March 2020. The transition period from ET 101:2008 to I.S. 10101:2020 is outlined by the CRU in the link below.
Update to Transition Period for New Electrical Wiring Rules for Electrical Contractors
NSAI ETC TC1 Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances
Scope/Introduction | NSAI ETC TC1 is responsible for the Irish contribution to standards in the fields of safety and performance of electrical household appliances, including those used on commercial premises and on farms. The committee participates in the work of IEC TC 59 and CENELEC TC 59X which provide International and European Standards in the area of Performance of household and similar electrical appliances, and IEC TC61 and CENELEC TC61 which provide International and European Standards in the area of Safety of household and similar electrical appliances.
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
NSAI ETC TC 2 Electrical Installations
Scope/Introduction | NSAI ETC TC2 is responsible for the development, maintenance and revision of a coherent set of national standards and other deliverables for electrical installations in residential, commercial and industrial premises, including the preparation, maintenance and revision of Standards, Codes of Practice and Guides dealing with electrical installations up to 1000V.
The committee are responsible for the publication of the “National Rules for Electrical Installations”. I.S. 10101 was published on the 6th of March 2020.
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
NSAI ETC TC 3 Power Installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. (1,5 kV d.c.)
Scope/Introduction | NSAI/ETC/TC 03 is the Technical Committee responsible for preparing national installation standards for:
- Design,
- Operations and Maintenance,
- associated competence assessment/certification
- of Designers
- of assets designed
- of assets constructed
of assets for High Voltage power installations (exceeding 1 kV a.c. or 1,5 kV d.c.) located indoors or indoors, including earthing.
The standard specifies the design requirements (and associated pro-forma certification) of the installation, and the selection and erection of electrical equipment in order to ensure the safety of persons and the proper operation of the installation. The installation standard is not applicable to factory built and type tested equipment but is relevant to the installation of this equipment. The installation requirements defined in S.R. 61936 are not applicable to overhead and underground lines between separate installations.
The EN 50110 standard is applicable to all operation of and work activity on, with, or near electrical installations. These are electrical installations operating at voltage levels from and including extra-low voltage up to and including high voltage. This latter term includes those levels referred to as medium, high voltage and extra-high voltage. These electrical installations are designed for the generation, transmission, conversion, distribution and use of electrical power.
This work of this ETC TC3 committee focuses on installations operating at Voltages above 1,000 Volts a.c. (question about auxiliary supplies)
The work of the committee is analogous to the work of NSAI ETC TC2 ‘Electrical Installations’ which develops and maintains the requirements for installations connected at low voltage. The work of this committee will also require coordination and cooperation with the scope of work associated with that of NSAI ETC TC 20 for Smart Grids.
These committees co-ordinate closely on interface issues.
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
- IEC TC 99 System engineering and erection of electrical power installations in systems with nominal voltages above 1 kV a.c. and 1,5 kV d.c., particularly concerning safety aspects
- CLC TC 99X Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. (1,5 kV d.c.)
- IEC PC 128 Operation of electrical installations
- CLC BTTF 62-3 Operation of electrical installations
- IEC PC 127 Low-voltage auxiliary power systems for electric power plants and substations
- IEC TC 115 High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission for DC voltages above 100 kV
- IEC TC 78 Live Working
A number of ETC TC 03 sub committees cover the following:
- IEC TC 11 NNA EN 50341-2-11 Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV - Part 2-11: National Normative Aspects (NNA) for Ireland
- IEC TC 36 Insulators
- IEC SC 36A Insulated bushings
- IEC TC 37 Surge arresters
- IEC SC 37A Low-voltage surge protective devices
- IEC SC 37B Components for low-voltage surge protection
- CLC TC 36A Insulated bushings
- CLC TC 37A Low-voltage surge protective devices
NSAI ETC TC 4 Switchgear, Controlgear and Associated Equipment
Scope/Introduction | NSAI ETC TC4 is responsible for coordinating the development of standards for switchgear, controlgear and associated equipment, with articular reference to the work of the IEC and CENELEC. The matter of Residual Current Devices (RCDs) has been delegated to an independent Task Force (RCDTF).
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
NSAI ETC TC 6 Equipment for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres
Scope/Introduction | NSAI ETC TC6 is responsible for co-ordinating the development of standards for equipment for use where there is a hazard due to the possible presence of explosive atmospheres of gases, vapours, mists or combustible dusts. TC6 members are active participants in the international standards work of IEC TC31, which was established over 60 years ago, and also CENELEC TC31. IEC and CENELEC standards cover the life cycle of equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres through design, manufacture, installation, maintenance and repair. The area of potentially explosive atmospheres is subject to two EU Directives; Directive 2014/34/EU which covers equipment and protective systems and Directive 1999/92/EC which covers the safety and health protection of workers potentially at risk.
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
- IEC TC31 Equipment for explosive atmospheres
- CLC/TC31 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres
NSAI ETC TC 6 would like to bring to your attention the following reference to Directives, Standards, Guides & Codes of Practice [PDF]
NSAI ETC TC 10 Electrical Equipment in Medical Practice
Scope/Introduction | NSAI ETC TC10 is responsible for the standardisation of electrical equipment used in medical practice. The Committee contributes to CENELEC TC62 and also to IEC TC62 and its four subcommittees:
- SC62A: Common Aspects of Electrical Equipment used in Medical Practice
- SC62B: Diagnostic Imaging Equipment
- SC62C: Equipment for Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Dosimetry
- SC62D: Electromedical Equipment
TC10 provides a national focal point for the development of the IEC 601 series of standards. The goal of the IEC 601 standards is to improve safety in the use of medical electrical equipment by providing a body of standards that assist:
- Manufacturers in designing and assembling safe medical electrical equipment and systems
- Manufacturers, test houses and regulatory authorities in assessing compliance with requirements set forth in the standard
- Health care professionals in managing the risks associated with use of these products
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
NSAI ETC TC11 Safety of Electronic Equipment within the field of Audio/Video, Information Technology and Communication Technology
Scope/Introduction | NSAI ETC TC11 is the national committee responsible for coordinating the development of standards for electronic equipment within the field of audio/video, information technology and communication technologies. TC11 members are active participants in the international standards work of both IEC TC108 and CENELEC TC108X. The Committee takes a particular interest in the development of IEC Publication 62368-1, which deals with safety requirements for audio/video, information and communications technology equipment and the maintenance of IEC Publication 60950-1. Both standards been listed as harmonized European Standards under the EC "Low Voltage Directive", 2014/35/EU.
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
- IEC/TC 108 Safety of electronic equipment within the field of audio/video, information technology and communication technology
- IEC/TC 100 (Project #62700) DC power supply for portable personal computer
- CLC/TC 108X Safety of electronic equipment within the field of audio/video, information technology and communication technology
NSAI ETC TC 12 Electronic Communication Systems
Scope/Introduction | NSAI ETC TC12 is responsible for co-ordinating standards development in the area of electronic communication systems. It monitors and participates in the international work of IEC TC46 (Cables, wires, waveguides, R.F. connectors, R.F. and microwave passive components and accessories), IEC TC86 (Fibre optics) and IEC TC100 (Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment). The work of IEC TC100 covers a wide area of technology including specifications for the performance, methods of measurement, application and interoperability of consumer and professional AV and multimedia systems and equipment. The work of TC12 leads to the eventual publication of European Standards (EN), which in turn are transposed into voluntary Irish Standards (I.S. EN).
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
NSAI ETC TC 13 Alarm Systems
Scope/Introduction | NSAI ETC TC13 is responsible for standardization in the field of alarm systems. Alarm systems encompasses detection, signalling, and monitoring systems for the protection of persons and property, including elements used in such systems. The scope includes in particular intruder and hold-up alarm systems, access control systems, periphery protection systems, combined alarm and fire alarm systems, social alarm systems, CCTV systems, and other monitoring and surveillance systems related to security applications, as well as associated and dedicated transmission and communication systems. Conformity tests are included in the scope of the standardization.
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
NSAI ETC TC 14 Electric Cables
Scope/Introduction | NSAI ETC TC14 is the Committee responsible for standards in the area of low, medium and high voltage cables and accessories. In this context work is monitored and contributions are made to both IEC and CENELEC TC20 committees, sub-committees and working groups. TC14 is also extremely active in the data cable sector, attending and contributing to the responsible IEC TC46 committee.
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
NSAI ETC TC 15 Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields
Scope/Introduction | The scope of NSAI ETC TC15 is to develop standards in the area of Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health. This is be achieved through participation in the work of CENELEC TC106X (Electromagnetic fields in the human environment) and through the continued monitoring of IEC TC106 (Methods for the assessment of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields associated with human exposure).
The following aspects are considered in this work:
- Provision for compliance with basic exposure restrictions to prevent harmful effects
- Specification of appropriate measurement techniques
- Provision of guidance on the reduction of exposure of people
- Guidance on the reduction of indirect effects of exposure (contact current effects)
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
NSAI ETC TC 16 Electromagnetic Compatibility
Scope/Introduction | Standardization related to electromagnetic compatibility across the entire frequency spectrum. Consideration extends to all aspects of the ability of equipment or a system to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environment.
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
- IEC/ACEC Advisory Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility
- IEC/TC 8 System aspects of electrical energy supply Related to 50160
- IEC/TC 47 Semiconductor devices
- IEC/TC 62 Medical equipment, software, and systems Related to 60601-1-2
- IEC/TC 65 Industrial-process measurement, control and automation Related to 61326
- IEC/TC 77 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
- IEC/SC 77A Low frequency phenomena
- IEC/SC 77B High frequency phenomena
- CISPR International Special Committee on Radio Interference
- CISPR/A Radio interference measurements and statistical methods
- CISPR/B Interference relating to industrial, scientific and medical RF apparatus
- CISPR/D Interference relating to motor vehicles and internal combustion engines
- CISPR/F Interference relating to household appliances, tools, lighting equipment and similar apparatus
- CISPR/H Limits for the protection of radio services
- CISPR/I Electromagnetic compatibility of information technology equipment, multimedia equipment & receivers
- CISPR/S Steering Committee of CISPR
- CLC/TC 8x System aspects of electrical energy supply
- CLC/TC 47x Semiconductor devices
- CLC/TC 62 Electrical equipment in medical practice
- CLC TC 210 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
NSAI ETC TC 18 Marine Energy-Wave, Tidal and Other Water Current Converters
Scope/Introduction | NSAI ETC TC18 was set up to mirror the work of IEC TC114 whose scope is to prepare international standards for marine energy conversion systems. Its primary focus will be on conversion of wave, tidal and other water current energy into electrical energy. These standards will also help integrate wave and tidal energy converters into the international marketplace, especially as more and more governments mandate efforts for sustainable energy.
The need for sustainable energy has spurred recent growth in wave and tidal energy systems. Countries all over the world are using the pull of the tides and the rhythm of the waves to generate power. Ireland is renowned for its extensive coastline and it is considered to have one of the largest wave tidal ranges in the world. Marine energy technology has shown so much recent growth that the IEC is enlisting energy experts worldwide to begin developing standards for wave and tidal energy systems. The IEC Technical Committee 114, Marine Energy - Wave and Tidal Energy Converters facilitates the International Energy Agency (IEA) in developing best practices for marine energy. Ireland is a member country of IEA.
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
NSAI ETC TC 19 Insulators and Surge Arresters
This group was disbanded in 2020 and was moved as a sub committee under NSAI/ETC/TC 3.
NSAI ETC TC 20 Smart Grids, Renewables, Electric Vehicles and Energy Efficiency
Scope/Introduction | NSAI ETC TC20 was established to coordinate the Irish input to the standardization work of the IEC in the areas of smart grids (incl. interoperability, transmission, distribution, metering, consumer connection and cyber security), renewable energy, electric road vehicles and energy efficiency.
TC20 also participates in the development of CENELEC European Standards or EN's in the same areas of technology. EN's are, as far as possible, based on the corresponding IEC Standards. Once an EN is published by CENELEC, it is adopted without change by the NSAI as a voluntary Irish Standard.
Certain work falling under the scope of TC20 is subject to EC and EFTA mandates to the European Standards Bodies (including CENELEC) to develop standards in support of European policies and legislation.
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
- IEC TC8: Systems aspects for electrical energy supply
- IEC/TC 8/SC 8A Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Generation
- IEC/TC 8/SC 8B Decentralized electrical energy systems
- IEC SC22F: Power electronics for electrical transmission and distribution systems
- IEC TC57: Power systems management and associated information exchange
- IEC TC69: Electric road vehicles and electric industrial trucks
- IEC TC88: Wind turbines
- IEC TC95: Measuring relays and protection equipment
- IEC TC 120 Electrical Energy Storage (EES) systems
NSAI ETC 21 Electrostatics
Scope/Introduction | NSAI ETC TC21 was established to coordinate the national input to the work of IEC TC101 with reference to:
Standardisation in the field of electrostatics to provide general guidance on test methods to evaluate the generation, retention and dissipation of electrostatic charges.
Ascertaining the effect of electrostatic discharges.
Methods of simulation of electrostatic phenomena for testing purposes.
Requirements for design and implementation of handling areas or procedures, equipment, and materials used to reduce or eliminate electrostatic hazards or undesirable effects.
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
NSAI ETC TC 22 Environmental Standardization for Electrical and Electronic Products and Systems
Through NSAI ETC TC22 “ Environmental Standardization for Electrical and Electronic Products and Systems ", the NSAI will raise awareness; give guidance and advice on standards work related to the environment and its aspects in product standards. This TC will also address the generic environmental standardization needs of the electro-technical sector, especially in support of national and international legislation.
International/European Committees Mirrored (in full or in part)
- CEN/CLC/JTC 10 Energy-related products - Material Efficiency Aspects for Ecodesign
- CLC TC 111X Environment
- IEC TC 111 Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems
Residual Current Devices Task Force
NSAI/ETC/RCDTF Task Force is responsible for monitoring the work of CLC TC23E and IEC SC23E in so far as it relates to RCDs and for providing appropriate advice to NSAI.
The Task Force is also responsible for ETCI Publication ET 214 (Guide to the Selection and Use of Residual Current Devices)
International/European Committees Mirrored
- Irish Standards Catalogue
- IEC Webstore
- CENELEC Standards Evolution and Forecast
- NSAI Your Standards, Your Say
- Low Voltage Directive
- EMC Directive
- R&TTE Directive
- ATEX Directive
- CE Marking
- New Approach Standardization
- IEC Smart Grid Standards Map
- IEC and Renewable Energy Standards
- IEC and Electromagnetic Compatibility