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As part of our enforcement role we pay particular attention to matters brought to our attention by members of the public. If you believe there has been a short measurement or other issue relating to our work please complete our complaints form giving us as much information as you can about the transaction including product and trader details. You can also make a report by telephone, fax, or ordinary mail providing the same information as the electronic form.

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How Can I Tell if a Measuring Instrument is Calibrated Correctly?

  1. Check for an Official Mark

Official marks in the form of tamper-evident stickers have been introduced to show that a measuring instrument has been verified.  These stickers are placed on the measuring instrument by the Authorized Verifier, on behalf of the Legal Metrology, NSAI, and will be inspected from time to time by Legal Metrology inspectors.

The stickers are made of tamper-evident material and once removed cannot be put back together.  Any interference or removal of a sticker will void an existing verification.  Because of this a trader should ensure that no one except a person who legitimately must break a seal removes or breaks any sticker. In any situation where the stickers are removed or interfered with the measuring instrument must be verified again.

1. Verification Mark

This is placed on the instrument to show that it has passed verification.

Security Mark

This is placed over any access point of the instrument that needs to be protected from interference.

2. CE Marking

The CE marking is applied to a measuring instrument by a manufacturer to show that the instrument complies with all legal requirements. Additionally, non-automatic weighing instruments are required to be marked with a green M. Other measuring instruments covered by the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) must be marked with M in a box. To find out more about these directives go to About the Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments Directive or the About the Measuring Instruments Directive.

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