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The NSAI wishes to announce the launch of a period of public consultation for:

prEN 206-1 - Concrete - Specification, performance, production and conformity - Part 1: Performance, requirements, factory production control and assessment criteria for individual values

Public consultation period: From 15/8/2024 until 10/10/2024, inclusive.

It is intended that this document will supersede EN 206:2013 +A2:2016 - Concrete - Specification, performance, production and conformity.

The following main items have been subject to revision in prEN 206-1:2024 when compared with EN 206:2013 +A2:2016:

  1. All aspects concerning conformity assessment and certification moving into a separate part EN 206-2 — Concrete — Specification, performance, production and conformity — Part 2: Conformity assessment and certification;
  2. Annex D on concrete for geotechnical purposes has been moved to a separate part EN 206-3;
  3. Opening for national provisions on exposure resistance classes;
  4. Included new terminology for binder;
  5. Annex M “Guidance on provisions valid in the place of use” moved to Introduction;
  6. Annex L “Additional information for specific clauses” included in main text where appropriate;
  7. Informative content in Clause 5.1 “Exposure classes” moved to informative Annex C;
  8. New Clause 5.4 “Classes regarding CO2 emissions”;
  9. General updates to align with revised EN 1992-1-1:2023;
  10. General editorial changes.

This document forms part of three European Standards, written by CEN/TC 104 and covering specification, performance, production and conformity of concrete.

  • EN 206-1 - Concrete — Specification, performance, production and conformity — Part 1: Performance, requirements, factory production control and assessment criteria for individual values.
  • EN 206-2 - Concrete — Specification, performance, production and conformity — Part 2: Conformity assessment and certification.
  • EN 206-3 - Concrete — Specification, performance, production and conformity — Part 3: Additional requirements for specification and conformity of concrete for special geotechnical works

To view the draft and submit comments:

All interested parties are invited to comment on the draft prEN 206-1 through the NSAI “Your Standards Your Say” (YSYS) forum

To access NSAI Your Standards, Your Say you will be required to register and log in.

Find out how to use Your Standards, Your Say visit:

 Public Consultations at NSAI: How to use Your Standards, Your Say.